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Janis von Heyking | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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James Land 17-Dec-2024 04:16
Lovely pictures, please post more one day
adam 11-Nov-2020 09:46
Guiden om betting och casino utan spelpaus vi prata om förra veckan.
Hal Mayer 18-Nov-2016 17:00
Now to the subject of butterflies.
Not far from San Diego, California is a very small country road leading in a northerly direction away from Interstate 8 along a small, but busy creek. This tiny area is populated by many bird varieties and also a myriad of butterflies, too many types to remember. Per chance you may have had the opportunity to point your very able camera hands into this wonderful direction.
Hal Mayer 18-Nov-2016 16:48
At the end of 1950 I mwt a very beautiful and personable young lady named Jutta von Heiking in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Coming from Germany, along with other young, newly arrived people (I was 20 at the time) we spent some pleasant times together in this vast newly-adopted country of ours, trying to make sense of these great cultural differences we experienced.
I wonder if you know this nice lady I met so long ago.
Nikos Roditakis 11-Jul-2014 09:26
An excellent gallery. I enjoyed my trip on it. I like more microlepidoptera. I have just shoot a very nice microlepidoptera (possibly Elachistidae) on a flowering bud. Do you know who can identify it?


Nikos Roditakis
Jean-Marie Choisel21-Aug-2011 09:54
Very nice set of galleries with a lot of great shots.
ndsphotography6714-Mar-2011 03:57
All your galleries are very well done, I really like the buildings in the home gallery, You are very lucky to have such a beautiful area to photograph. thanks for sharing.

Norm' NDSPhotography
Norbert Fortelny01-Aug-2010 20:00
Amazing variety, Fascinating photos.
Love it.
Guest 13-Jun-2010 01:05
I enjoyed browsing your excellent variety of insect photos, nicely done & thanks for sharing.
Francois POUGET01-Jun-2010 00:00
Belles galeries, merci
Guest 29-May-2010 04:45

pleeeeease log in once more and mail me!
you know who this is :D
Guest 09-Apr-2010 21:36
Guest 19-Mar-2010 22:15
aloha from hawaii was looking for the flag to click on and register love the pics

Guest 19-Mar-2010 21:45
hellooooooooooooooo bugboy!!!!!!!!!!

tick 1 more SA visit off now :P

nice photos. will look more when i stop killing on evony
Andrew Hardacre07-Feb-2010 12:59
Amazing galleries. I'm in HK and still found plenty to interest me.
Cristean 06-Feb-2010 23:57
Just clicked on your link in a post on Flagcounters, I'm Cristean on there gave you one UK Flag, looks like I was your 23rd visitor , +1GB=23
Mc Jarwoe 04-Feb-2010 17:38
Hii..thx Bro..well nice meet u :)
taris 03-Feb-2010 00:09
thank's for visit me...
i like your galleries...
keep in touch..i'll be back..
you're welcome in my site (
Nasta 02-Feb-2010 23:28
Hello,.. thank you very much for your visit...
Nice to meet you, have a great day..
Ana Cristina 02-Feb-2010 23:00
Hello Janis, thanks for your visit. Come back anytime, you're welcome in my blog.
Congrats for the great job with pictures!
saiteiphayyar 31-Jan-2010 09:17
thanks 4 visit. have a nice week end.
Liza 28-Jan-2010 20:18
Hi dear my friend, I brought a smile for you from Hungary.
melisa 28-Jan-2010 19:33
rieta 28-Jan-2010 17:18
llandewi 22-Jan-2010 22:22
Where did you put your shoutmix?
Dane Ellis Allen 22-Jan-2010 21:56
Hi Janis, thanks for the flag, (you have a little "Silence of The Lambs " thing going with the moth photos? huh? ..JUST KIDDING! have a good day! er, night!
Steve Martin10-Jan-2010 21:11
Tack så mycket för att kommentera. Jag uppskattar verkligen era vänliga kommentarer.
Giorgio Gregori06-Jan-2010 18:55
Hello Janis,
thanks for your generous comments.
My compliments for your detailed and systematic work about insects world, showing a very good competence.
Alex 04-Jan-2010 17:32
Super Site!!!
Alex from Russia
Guest 03-Jan-2010 15:52
Great site
Mark Elert01-Jan-2010 09:15
Tack för kommentaren. Du har verkligen en imponerande samling fjärilsbilder. Hur länge har du hållit på? Jag skall inte visa dem för min dotter som lider av fjärilsskräck, en tydligen inte helt ovanlig företeelse.
Hptt Nytt År
Myrtha and Ulrich 05-Dec-2009 09:13
Hi Janis!
We are amazed and speechless. Your photos are incredibly wonderful. Very congratulation!
Myrtha and Ulrich 05-Dec-2009 09:12
Hi Janis!
We are amazed and speechless. Your photos are incredibly wonderful. Very congratulation!
Lars Westlund 10-Jul-2009 15:58
Hallå! Nu har datorn kraschat igen, så om du har lust att maila mig din E-mailadress så vore det kul hörru.
m v h Lasse w
moth1man06-Jul-2009 14:06
Nice Insects. Are you an Entomologist?
Guest 28-Mar-2009 23:48
Good galleries, very good work!!
Kenta 15-Mar-2009 15:10
Hej! Fantastiska bilder du har tagit, men jag saknar bilder på Semibrunnea o Rufa.
tina 10-Feb-2009 10:49
hejsan nu har jag hunnit med detta att titta in på din sida, bra, den funkar, rockar... hihi =)
jag tycker du ska ha fler spindlar. det finns ett stort utbud i den enorma naturen!
ha en härlig dag, snart kan du ge dig ut o leta kryp... solen strålar fram här o man får vår kill under fötterna.... ha det gott ses på jobbet någon dag. tina
Guest 05-Dec-2008 18:48
Larver, spindlar och dagfjärilar har jag tittat på. Blev glad trots att jag är hemma och är sjuk. Storasyster Linnea mimar till Shirly Clamp
Linnea fridolfsson 14-Nov-2008 19:19
Hej Janis!
"Du har tagit kort på fina spindlar" //Linnea 5,5 år
Jesper 12-Oct-2008 16:33
Har du några problem med min rapportering av Dropptecknat metallfly eller????
Anders Hangård 11-Jul-2008 21:29
Takk for melding i gjesteboka! Og en fantastisk fin side du har her. Skal se godt igjennom en kveld jeg har tid. Akkurat kjøpt meg en robinsonfelle, så da håper jeg dødninghodet sitter her snart, og!
Rob 14-May-2008 19:58
Hallå gamling, snygg site du har byggt upp, jag har fixat mat till grillen och whiksey tills på lördag, tag med din natt lampa så kan du fota lite mer pics.

Cheers // Rob! =0)
Guest 27-Mar-2008 13:07
En imponerande samling nattflyn !
anders w 18-Mar-2008 09:15
Hej Janis!

Vilken spännande sida du har byggt upp! Toppenläcker, men så har du väl haft nytta av din artisktiska förmåga (hur går det med målningen?)och att du har tid där i din ensliga stuga.
Var i friden såg du döskallen för resten?

Undrar kompisarna anders och liselotte
Guest 10-Jan-2008 20:48
Thanks for your nice comment and vote on my image...
Andrew Hardacre06-Jan-2008 07:49
Very good moth gallery, which I have bookmarked. Do you have a professional interest or is it just a hobby?
Guest 14-Aug-2007 19:49
Excellent work Janis! Well done!
Sture Hermansson04-Aug-2007 11:58
Hej Janis!
Jag har sett hur dina gallerier har växt. När jag har en ny art som jag inte har identifierat tittar jag ofta här. Och när jag såg att din bild på förväxlad fältmätare upptäckte jag att jag hade förväxlat den själv, men nu är den rätt.
Lycka till i fortsättningen!
Guest 05-Jul-2007 22:09
Nice Gallery