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Guest 12-Sep-2010 23:22
WOW Ofer I like your galleries.
Beautiful pictures I can see you have good eyes.
as a beginner for me it is inspiring to see your pictures.
thank you for letting me to see your great work & keep on.......
Shana Tova with lots of blessings!
Yenkuwel :)
Rufina 26-Oct-2009 19:47
ðçîã.ð÷é :)
Guest 09-Dec-2008 09:16
äéé òåôø
àðé àåäá àú äòáåãä ùìê
áëáåã øá
Marijka24-Nov-2008 22:33
thank u ofer for your kind words... but i don't believe you need much help-- you have a great eye and unique view. Your galleries are diverse and entertaining... Bravo!! continued success!!! marijka
Dina 31-Mar-2008 22:55
äéé òåôø
öéìåîéí îãäéîéí!!!
äúîåðåú ùìê ôùåè îãáøåú!
îàåã ðäðéúé

shelley 15-Nov-2007 12:19
äéé òåôø,
îéìéåï ùðä (åìà áèåç ùúæëåø), öéìåîéí îùâòéí,
åáëìì... òáåãåú îåöìçåú,
ìà äéä ìé ñô÷.

Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:42
Lovely work. Share more please.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:09
You're 11 on my scale of 10.
éôä 13-Jan-2006 21:39
äéé òåôø
äöéìîåéí îãäéîéí ,úîùéê ëê åúôøñí éåúø
Dr. Lev 26-Dec-2005 13:25
Hi Ofer!
A lot of nice pictures!
A propos part of them remind some of my works, so we go by same pathways...
With the best regards
Dr. Lev 21-Aug-2005 21:08
äé òåôø,
äöéìåîéí ùìê îéåçãéí åî÷ñéîéí, îîù úòðåâ ìäúáåðï ãøê äòãùä ùìê...
àáéáä á.
Ana Carloto O'Shea31-Jul-2005 16:02
I loved the little tour I've made though your galleries. You've got great works in there. Stay inspired.
Guest 30-Jun-2005 10:50
Wow, you've got some great photo galleries
keep up the good work
lin (S'PORE) 26-May-2005 03:24
Assalammualaikom Ofer!!
Best galleries with your good work!
excellect pictures too,you are talented,
thnx for sharing with the world.
keep it up!
meital 21-May-2005 11:13
äéé òåôø,

äééúé àúîåì àöìëí áôåèåôéìí (äçééìú òí äçöåáä) àúø îöåéï åúîåðåú îãäéîåú

Guest 17-Feb-2005 06:50
You have some fantastic work in your galleries. I will come back to look at the rest from time to time. Keep it up and keep click’n
Reut Livne-Tarandach09-Jan-2005 20:35
Hi Ofer and Maya-
We are always happy to see the magic of Shay growing thru your lenses... she is so lovely and reminds us so much of the two of you. we love you-
Reut , Izar & Hamlet
Nilli Lippy 28-Mar-2004 17:05
I am very, very impressed ! Continue your good work ! Nilli
alexeig05-Mar-2004 14:45
Thanks for visiting my gallery and for comments. You have quite a few of creative pics here with unusual viewpoint and attention to detail.
I have visited your country in a bit calmer times and I loved it. Probably I should scan some of my pics taken in Jerusalem and in Negev desert. You have an amazing country, show us more of it!
J. S. B.01-Mar-2004 14:14
Nice galleries. You have an interesting perspective and good eye for details.
Rita 24-Jan-2004 20:01
Nice album
SHELL 16-Jan-2004 23:27
keep on!!
Amit 31-Dec-2003 16:05
Nice pic's

keep in touch .
JD Anderson06-Oct-2003 21:41
You have some beautiful images. I really enjoyed looking through your gallery! I'll be back to see your new shots. You have a great style for creating engaging images out of the ordinary! Well done.
JD Anderson
Guest 05-Aug-2003 19:21
hi! see i am the first..jipieeheje... i am from austria in europe and find your site by surfing on pbase, were i also have a site now. see you were in the alps. also in austria?
you made your photos very serious, i mean. you seem or seam...(..right word
in english? :-) ) really like photographing. so i do.. ! good photos here whith a real feeling on them. servus (= hello and by, by german )
Manfred Putz